Artist Portfolios

This space provides an opportunity to highlight creative work by people who are or have been in prison. If you are interested in purchasing work that you see in our galleries or portfolios, please reach out to us.

If you would like to add your or a loved one’s work to the galleries or portfolios, please have them send us a completed consent form, or if you know an artist in prison who would like to learn about our programs, please have them write to us at PO Box 11065, Takoma Park, MD 20913.

The beliefs and opinions expressed by the artists we feature on our website may not always reflect the views of Justice Arts Coalition. JAC’s aim has always been to uplift and share the voices of those impacted by the carceral system and we hope our website can be a safe space for all who visit and contribute to it. To learn more about JAC’s values and guiding beliefs, please visit our about page.