Our Supporters and Sustaining Members

JAC is proud to be a certified nonprofit partner of Spur Local (formerly the Catalogue for Philanthropy). 


JAC is proud to be an Art For Justice Fund grantee
JAC is supported in part by the Maryland State Arts Council
JAC is proud to be a Mellon Foundation grantee
JAC is grateful for support from Devin and Cindy Wenig

JAC’s CorrespondARTS program is generously supported in part by Tour de Force

Database and archive support has been generously provided in-kind by Nil Database.

Our Sustaining Members help make the resources and services that JAC provides accessible to all who benefit from them. We are so grateful for their support. To become a sustaining member, please click here

Corina Dalzell

Shehara Wickramarachchi

Laurie Brooks

Catherine Futter

Maureen McNulty

Sandra Miller

Jessie Glover

TJ Matthews

Susan Paul Johnson

Kate Kenney

Cathy Nugent

Christopher Dum, ID13 Prison Literacy Project

Susan Russell

Matt Malyon, Underground Writing

Holly Vitale

Karen Hamer

Julia Mascioli