Posting on the Coalition Blog

Hello Coalition Blog Readers! You are invited to write, comment, and post on the Prison Arts Coalition blog! This is meant to be an interactive space, so if there is something you want to say, go for it!

There have been many inquiries about how to write a post for the blog.  As we are still working out some of the kinks of ownership, authors, etc, these are the options for the moment:

1) If you want to write regular posts on the blog (become an author), please contact the administrator (pacoalitionadmin [at] with your name, email, program affiliation (if any), and ideas for posting.

2) If you want to make a post but won’t make it a habit, you may write a comment. OR you can email the administrator with the copy and it will be put into a post for you.

3) If you want to post a program, fill out a comment on the programs page. Every week or so the listed programs will be added to the main list. OR you can email the administrator with the copy and it will be put into a post for you.

4) If you want to post an upcoming event, fill out a comment on the events page. Every week or so the listed events will be added to the main list. OR you can email the administrator with the copy and it will be put into a post for you.

ALSO, if you want to make commenting easy and efficient, we suggest that you sign up for a wordpress account so you can simply log-in to post.  You will also then be able to subscribe to the blog, so that you receive emails when a new post has been added (the best way to stay up to date with your favorite prison arts happenings!) To become a wordpress member, go to and click sign up. Create a username and password, and then at the bottom, choose “Just a username.” Then, when you go to the Coalition blog, if you are logged in, you can subscribe to it in the upper right hand corner (under blog info).

Any questions? Just email us! pacoalitionadmin [at]

2 thoughts on “Posting on the Coalition Blog

  1. theprisonartscoalition

    Thanks for such a supportive comment, Triya. Please check in frequently. If you have any thoughts you’d like to share, we encourage people (inside and outside) to write posts for our main blog page. Please take care.

  2. Thank you so much Prison Arts Coalition. My heart stirs, I shed tears as I learn more and more about the humanity transforming itself through people who care; healing through arts and theater, creative writing, performances, community services, and life coaching. I am doing a power point presentation for my college class ‘Auto-Biography and the Psychology of Memoir’ and decided to focus on ‘women in prison.’ I have been reading different stories and projects… I am so deeply moved. I feel human again. Thank you Prison Arts Coalition for having such a professional and well-organized site. YOU ROCK!!
    Triya Smith

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